Отворени позиции

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Job responsibility: We are looking for people with a combination of the following knowledge and skills:

Profile A: Software Architect/Designer
Knowledge: UML, SOA, Web services, J2EE, BPM, Experience with various open source frameworks and applications
Job activity: Research and try out applicable open source frameworks and applications that fulfill specific business requirements, help business modelers, design system integrations, create overall architectural designs, develop detailed technical specifications

Profile B: Software Project Manager
Knowledge: PMBOK, PRINCE2, RUP, Software Development Life Cycle, project scheduling (Microsoft Project), project tracking, web project collaboration tools.
Job activity: Manage complex software development, IT deployment and IT change projects, manage complex teams including subcontractors,

Profile C: IT Service Manager
Knowledge: ITIL, COBIT, security standards such as ISO 17799 and ISO 27000, configuration management, Business Process Monitoring, monitoring tools such as Mercury and HP OpenView, SLAs, help-desk and call-center tools.
Job activity: Define IT service standards, define and structure SLAs, provide guidance to software development for IT service monitoring and escalation, organize IT Service, Help desk and Call center departments; select tools and create procedures for help-desk and call-center management.

Имаме свободни позиции и за:
– Network Engineers (яки мрежари.)
– Senior DB Administrators (Oracle 9.0, 10g; RAC, MySQL, DB Optimization, Instance tuning,)
– Engineer “Embedded Systems Design” (Independent design, fabrication and testing of microcontroller based system prototypes. Experience with the development of embedded applications.)

Aко се интересувате, можете да пратите актуално резюме на bshopov@sepbulgaria.com. Колкото по-рано толкова по-добре.