Смехории от google

Реших да преведа единия от разказите в Кафенето през преводача на Google. Ето какво се получи – приятно четене смеене.

Ето оригинала на тази препратка (цък)

Ето и ‘превода’:
Tired my mamka its pisna me. Took his ranitsata, kachih be on the first bus out of Sofia and nastanih seat. Varveshe smooth path, minavaha trees karutsi and roundabouts.

Where in the middle of the road pomolih driver to stop. I saw a bank and zakaterih fro. Beauty.

Sednah of polyankata top of the few vrahche and zagledah in sinevata. I wonder it was. Mirishe of spring, birds sing, pchelichkite zhuzhat, one kartitsa fluorspar hole and sees me okokoreno, idiliya you say, idiliya.

Only vikovete from nearby ludnitsa in dereto karaha me to realize that I am on Earth. I was not noticed it before, but it pomachih ignarus.

Polegnah and zagledah in the sun. It dopirashe rays to my face. I became friendly and fun. Izshumolya something behind me. „Sarnichka“ – thought his ego.

– Ahaaaaa, ey co location was – is dense chu female voice – ayde idvayte.

I sepnah and obarnah. A huge woman dressed in white katereshe elevation to me. Priblizhavashe is quite fast, but was a ten meters away from me is stopped and went more slowly.

– Ehhheeeeee – said it again – so they bre – uh, izmachi us.

I poglednah it with nedoumenie. At the same time two more edrichki boys, still dressed in white, dopapliha pluvnali in sweat to it.

– You Bogomil, right? – – Asked one.
– Blogarche you something? – Asked the second

Yes – I said.

Ehhh, I and my says now – said the sister of his two colleagues.
– Abe izpotihme is – she told me – How could this time tuka to upload.

I poglednah tapo it.

– Ama, what chat – even tried to be polite.
– Come, ayde now. Again failed to come to izmaknesh – said kimna and sister to the building in the valley.

I seem to realising what is going on, and became usmihnah:

– Aaa, I’m not from me there, ha-ha, I can not think that I…
– There is nothing my boy – broke me sister and zapristapva slightly to me – quiet, everything is fine.

I okokorih as kartitsata before least.

– Come on, that all is sad for thee. Three other Bogomili, the two oggini, of Yovko even Napoleon from the other room it became sad, even salza proroni ..

– Is it because shibnah one, you had not – promarmori one of the nurses.
Sin, someone has been – prosaska his quiet sister. – Come bogentse, hayde to going.

Hey, hey, hey, wait now explain to you. I really am Bogomil, I’m not crazy, just arrive with reysa of Sofia. Something you in error

One hundred millilitres blogolin in gaza – izpishta sister – not, let us be one hundred and fifty.

One nurse jump and I experienced how one needle is zabiva in me.

Again peeha birds, again pchelichkite zhuzhaha, again a kartitsa me looking okokoreno. Ah, not that Louis was the third or fourth.

Fuck it a normal life. I want emotions.

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